Healthcare shortages are about more than funding. There are critical skills and labour shortages facing the healthcare industry. As the worlds of health technology and health information management converge, knowledge bridges between the two fields become more and more essential. In today's healthcare world - you can't have one without the other.
BCHIMPS and HRABC have joined forces to explore what an integrated future looks like. With topical speakers, networking opportunities and an exhibitor area, Integrated Partnerships gives you the chance to learn more about the information technology and information management changes impacting healthcare and how partnerships can deliver customized, scalable solutions.
Join us on September 27, 2013 at the Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver to share success stories, hear some war stories and see examples of best practice.
Speakers & Topics
Lindsay Kislock, Assistant Deputy Minister, Health Sector IM/IT, BC Ministry of Health
Innovation Through Collaboration
Integrating information systems and technologies across British Columbia’s health sector requires a unified and coordinated effort by the vast network of health system partners involved in delivering health care services to the Province of BC. This presentation will examine how the BC Ministry of Health is establishing a more collaborative approach to health sector IM/IT planning that will set the stage for true healthcare transformation.
Leanne Currie, RN, PhD, Associate Professor, UBC School of Nursing
Clinical informatics: perspectives from the front line
Clinicians are the primary contributors to and users of health data. This presentation will focus on factors related to data that are used by clinicians for data sharing, decision support, administrative purposes, and practice-based evidence (data mining). Essential elements of human factors engineering will be discussed to demonstrate how clinicians enter and use information in electronic health record with a focus on communication between clinicians, developers and records managers.
Ryan Wilson, CEO Medeo
Dr. Alexandra Greenhill, B.Sc. M.D. CCFP, Physician Board of Advisers, Medeo
The doctor will see you now...
How to leverage the latest in telehealth technology to deliver patient-focused, physician-driven healthcare while meeting standards for health and security.
Attendees will see a demonstration of how direct-to-patient telehealth is achieving the triple aims of improving healthcare in British Columbia today.
Jennifer Mackenzie, VP Strategic Planning, PHSA
Lean in Healthcare – Real Experience and Endless Possibilities
Participants will hear from an early adopter who has led the PHSA on a 7-year journey implementing Lean in a wide range of healthcare settings. Along the way, PHSA has conducted over 200 Rapid Process Improvement Workshops, built an entire acute care hospital mock-up, full-scale out of cardboard in order to optimise the design and is beginning to change the way in which clinical areas are managed. Performance improvements have included slashing of patient wait times for critical services, increased capacity, dramatic improvements to patient safety in high risk acute environments and compelling cost savings. Participants will discover how Lean is more a philosophy of performance improvement than a toolkit and will explore how the essential principles of Lean can be applied to their own unique work environments.
Shirley Learmonth, Director, Health Information Management, Calgary & Area, Alberta Health Services
Health Information Management Transformation - Partnering to Make a Difference
The speaker will speak on behalf of the Canadian Health Information Management Association (CHIMA) and Alberta Health Service's (AHS) Health Information Management (HIM) Team. This presentation addresses CHIMA's workforce transformation, evolving roles, new certifications and speaks to the partnerships with many key organizations to influence positive change. HIM within AHS, through innovation and leadership, has introduced key roles within the organization to support the evolving electronic health record and the vision of "One Patient, One Record." HIM works with many key partners, internal and external to the organization, to evolve the information management agenda.
Grant Gillis, Executive Director, Forums & Practices, COACH: Canada’s Health Informatics Association
eSafety: A New Partnership in Patient Safety
How do we ensure patient safety in our eHealth initiatives? Through partnerships! This presentation on COACH’s new eSafety Guidelines will describe the stakeholders, methodology, and data of an eSafety Management Program, providing important insights on a robust new approach for eHealth safety. This presentation will be of multidisciplinary interest for those involved in protecting patients from harm, from the initial design and development of systems to their implementation and data gathering to monitor ongoing safety.
Mark Betteridge, Executive Director and CEO Discovery Parks, Director BCTIA
Short Term Thinking – A Risk to Our Legacy
Mark was one of the speakers featured in TEDx Vancouver 2012, and is witnessing first-hand how competition in the global market place is escalating the need for a new era of innovative and forward-thinking leaders who will make better decisions about our future. He will enlighten, challenge and encourage attendees to consider how short-term thinking could be a risk to our legacy.